Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

Working together to

protect women and girls

from harmful practices


Oxford Against Cutting (OAC) is committed to providing top-quality education and community support to help tackle female genital mutilation (FGM), honour-based abuse (HBA), and harmful body alterations of girls and women.

Every workshop is delivered with facilitators from affected communities who bring survivor experience or personal insight on the impact of harmful practices in their communities.

We also provide specialist support for services working with women from diverse communities suffering abuse


Latest workshops:

Body Image Smart Phone Workshop Series:

Oxford Against Cutting has created a unique course for young people in sixth form to learn about the influence of online imagery and how to use their smart phones in a way that is positive for mental health.

You can read all about our Body Image Smart Phone workshop series, here

Book a workshop or sign up to our monthly newsletter here

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