Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

No Recourse to Public Funds and Domestic Abuse

Victims of domestic abuse, who have a No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) condition attached to their immigration status, often face several barriers to accessing support and safety from abuse. Furthermore, NRPF victims of abuse who do not have children in their care (and who do not have care needs arising from a disability, illness or mental health condition), face added difficulties due to significant gaps in service provision. Without professional support to help navigate services and pathways, victims with NRPF can find themselves alone facing homelessness and destitution.

Whilst all victims of domestic abuse, regardless of their immigration status, can access confidential helplines for advice and support, the responses available for victims with NRPF remain limited. Perpetrators often tell migrant women that they have no rights in the UK, that no-one will help them, instilling fears of deportation and children’s removal from family care. To give victims with NRPF meaningful support, service providers need to understand the NRPF condition, pathways, and statutory
and voluntary resources available.

Our 90-minute workshop supports service providers to understand:

  • The NRPF rule and to whom this applies
  • How the NRPF rule impacts victims and families, entitlement to domestic abuse services and homelessness pathways
  • Services and support restrictions
  • Legal mechanisms available
  • Agencies for referrals, other support and signposting

Our workshop will equip professionals with tools to respond positively to disclosures of abuse by victims affected by the NRPF condition. The training will explore multiple responses and resources, developing professionals’ understanding of a complex immigration and services landscape and how to navigate it. This workshop is delivered by Vania Martins, Domestic Abuse Specialist, who has 11 years of frontline domestic abuse service experience, supporting women from migrant communities with NRPF.

We can adapt the training to a shorter time-frame if needed, though we recommend 90 minutes for this subject. Please contact us to book your workshop.

Support services:

Southall Black Sisters – 020 8571 0800
No Woman Turned Away (NWTA) project (Women’s Aid) – 0800 2000 247
Ashiana – 020 8539 0427
Halo Project – 01642 683 045
Latin American Women’s Aid – 020 727 50321
Latin American Women’s Rights Service – 0808 145 4909
LAWRS – Latin American Women’s Rights Service
Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) – 020 7490 0303
Sistah Space – 020 7846 8350
Jewish Women’s Aid – 0808 801 0500
Muslim Women’s Network – 0800 999 5786
Refugee Council – 020 7346 6700
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) – 020 7837 7979
CORAM (Migrant Children)– 020 7520 0300
Project 17 – 07701 330016
Rights of Women – 020 7251 6575
Public Interest Law Centre – 0203 559 6342


Useful resources:

NRPF Network
The Unity Project
Citizens Advice Bureau

Escape Website Quickly
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