Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger:

Call the police on 999


If you or someone you know is being taken abroad, or has already been taken abroad to be forced into marriage:

Call the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) on 020 7008 0151


If you are already in the airport:

Alert a member of the airport staff that you are worried about your safety and tell them you need to speak to someone alone.


If you are experiencing honour-based abuse, including forced marriage – or you know someone who is – you can get help and support from:

In an emergency call the police on 999


Forced Marriage Unit

The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) offers advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as guidance to professionals.

UK Cases
The FMU offers information and support to those who fear they will be forced into marriage and can talk them through their options.

Overseas Cases
The FMU can assist British nationals facing forced marriage abroad by helping them to a place of safety and helping them to return to the UK. The FMU can also assist non-British nationals facing marriage abroad by referring them to local organisations that can help.

Immigration Cases
Help is also available to those who have already been forced into marriage to explore their options, including assisting those who are being forced to sponsor a spouse’s visa for settlement in the UK.

The FMU will not contact the victim’s family.

Tel: 020 7008 0151
Email: fmu@fco.gov.uk


Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana supports victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.

National helpline, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm:

Tel: 0800 5999 247


Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation
Support for Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic and Turkish speaking women, girls and couples.

Tel: 0207 920 6490


Kiran Support Services
Kiran Support Services provides safe, temporary accommodation for Asian women and their children escaping domestic violence. Also provides advice, outreach work and resettlement support.

Tel: 020 8558 1986

Email: Kiran.admin@kiranss.org.uk


Southall Black Sisters
Offering specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and self-help support for Asian and African-Caribbean women. Services in several community languages.

Tel: 0208 571 0800


Rights of Women
Rights of Women works to attain justice and equality by informing, educating and empowering women on their legal rights.

Tel: 020 7251 6577


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