Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

Our reports:

OAC Annual Review to 31st March 2024

Training and Workshops Evaluation Report 2023-24

What Is “Honour”? Web Cafe Series in Punjabi, Urdu and Bangla, Jan-Feb 2024

Body Image and Smart Phone Series of Workshops with Cheney School Evaluation Report Jan 2024

TikToc (This is Kids Tackling Online Crime) Web Cafe Series 2023 Evaluation Report

Milton Keynes Schools Project Evaluation Report 2023

OAC Annual Review to 31st March 2023

Training and Workshops Evaluation Report April 2022 – March 2023

OAC Web Cafe Summary Evaluation Report March 2023

Body Image and Smart Phones Project Report for Oxford Academy 2023 (Summary version)

(The ‘5 Ms’) Film Project Evaluation January 2023 – An OAC Film Series – True Sharif: exploring domestic abuse issues within African communities – Domestic Servitude (a form of modern slavery), Financial abuse, Men talking about FGM, FGM Protection Orders and Domestic Abuse and Mental Health.

OAC Annual Review to 31st March 2022

(The ‘5 Cs’) Film Project Evaluation March 2022 – An OAC Film Series – True Izzat: exploring taboos around sexual health and relationships within South Asian communities – Consent, Contraception, Condoms, Conception, Genetic Conditions

OAC Web Cafe and Trainings report January 2022

OAC Annual Review to 31st March 2021

OAC Body Image Report 2021

OAC Schools Evaluation, Tampon Tax Grant, Report February 2021 

OAC Schools Evaluation Report 2020 Oxfordshire

OAC Schools Evaluation Report 2020 Berkshire

OAC Schools Evaluation Report 2020 Buckinghamshire

OAC Annual Review to 31 March 2020

OAC Webinars for Women Summary Report May 2020

OAC Annual Review to 31 March 2019

OAC Body Image Report 2019

OAC Men’s Project Report 2019

OAC Annual Review 2018

Oxford Against Cutting’s Schools Training Evaluation Report Feb 2018

Oxford Against Cutting’s Schools Training Evaluation Report July 2017

A pilot evaluation of health services for communities affected by FGM/C in Oxfordshire 2016

Click here to find our posters, films and schools resources.

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