Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

Oxford Against Cutting delivers training for professionals, lessons for school children and workshops for community groups of all ages. We have an experienced team of facilitators with expertise in FGM, ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and forced marriage, body image issues and gender dynamics. Our facilitators represent communities affected by these harmful practices, and some have lived experience of them.

Below you can find links to all the sessions we offer. Alternatively, you can click on the posters for the details. We are able to tailor sessions to meet the needs of your school / group, so please contact us to chat further or book a session.

Training for staff and professionals

Anti – FGM Safeguarding Training

Anti – HBA Safeguarding Training

Bride Abandonment Safeguarding Training

Breast Flattening

Intersectionalities Workshop

Tackling Labia Pulling/Stretching

No Recourse to Public Funds and Domestic Abuse


Frequently Asked Questions – Safeguarding Workshops 


Lessons for schools 


Year 2

Who can you tell? (body rights and sharing secrets that upset us)

 Year 6

FGM, Culture and Human Rights (includes basic introduction to FGM)



FGM (year 7 upwards).

Forced Marriage and HBA (year 7 upwards).

The ‘Ideal’ Beauty Standard – body image lesson (year 7 upwards).

Pornography and Cosmetic Body Alterations – body image lesson (year 10 upwards).

How pornography influences body image and intimate relations (year 10 upwards).


Sixth Form / College 

Body Image and Smart phones Full Workshop Series

The Female Genitalia – the female genitalia, including learning on FGM and Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery (FCGS)

Colourism –  indicators of colourism and understanding how it can impact our day to day lives; the rise of harmful skin whitening products; the influence social media and advertising have on skin shade satisfaction and steps we might take to encourage positive terminology, resist pressures and feel better in our own bodies.

OAC is a charity and therefore any donations towards the costs of running sessions is appreciated. Costings include two facilitators (one from an affected community), preparation for the sessions and travel. 


Frequently Asked Questions – Schools Workshops


Workshops for community groups

Our workshops are primarily designed for community groups, but may also be helpful for services and professionals, so they can better understand some of the community pressures and cultural taboos which can surround these issues.

Forced Marriage and HBA


True Izzat (“izzat” meaning “honour”) Series of Workshops for South Asian communities:

Workshops can be delivered as stand-alone workshops or a series, in English, Urdu or Punjabi. Please contact us to enquire about additional languages.
The Key Messages from the True Izzat series, created for GPs, can be seen below:
True Sharif (“sharif” meaning “honour”) Series of Workshops for African communities:

Workshops can be delivered as stand alone workshops or a series, in English or Arabic. Please contact us to enquire about additional languages.


Healthy Relationships (including learning on unhealthy, abusive relationships)

Identity and Family Roles (intergenerational conversation)

Gender Dynamics

Sexual Violence

Healthy Masculinities

Tackling Labia Pulling/Stretching


Diversity Perspectives

Our charity offers specialist advice from an intersectional perspective on training materials and policies designed to support people affected by abuse. 

Web Cafes

We run series of Web Cafes, open to all, free of charge, to help tackle harmful practices.

Full costings 2024

OAC is a charity and therefore any donations towards the costs of running sessions is appreciated. Costings include two facilitators (one from an affected community), preparation for the sessions and travel.

Full day

(As many workshops as you want to fit into your school day)

Half Day

(Max 3.5 hours delivery time)

Single Workshop 

(E.g. a 90 minute safeguarding session, schools lesson or an assembly)

£1,100 £600 £300


Please let us know if you need to discuss your budget. Our main priority is reaching as many people as possible. We can offer free lessons to state schools, subject to availability. 

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