Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

Supporting learning on honour-based abuse

Lessons on forced marriage 


Supporting children to understand the difference between arranged and forced marriages and how they can support each other if they are being forced into marriage. 


Who is the workshop for?

Year 6 students upwards


What is included?

–       What is marriage?

–       Film – Fascinating wedding traditions around the world

–       The stories of Aiysha and Yasmin

–       Consenting to marriage (understanding the difference between arranged and forced marriages)

–       Harms of forced marriage

–       Reasons why forced marriage happens

–       The law

–       Warning signs

–       What to do if you’re worried about a friend

–       Help and support


Who will deliver the workshop?

All our lessons are delivered by two facilitators, with one facilitator from an affected community.



Feedback from children at Knowles Primary School, Milton Keynes:


‘The lesson taught me a lot!’ 

‘I found the lesson really interesting and it helped my understanding’


‘HBA and Art’

Art can be a great way to support learning on HBA and forced marriage and promote solidarity against the practice. We have incorporated art into a number of anti-HBA lessons, for example, Cherwell School took part in HBA workshops before creating pieces of artwork for OAC’s ‘The POWER of Art’ art competition, raising awareness of HBA.


Please contact us to book lessons for your students.
Oxford Against Cutting 2020 leaflet with details on all our workshops

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