Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices


May 26, 2015



Extra Information:

Admission Free. The North Wall Gallery is open from Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm, and from 12pm – 4pm on Saturdays. Sundays & Bank Holidays: normally closed, except for theatre events.


Wednesday 27th May to Friday 12th June 2015
Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm, Sat 12pm – 4pm

“Female genital mutilation is as common, if not more common, than type 1 diabetes for women living in Oxford (aged 20-74)” reports Dr Brenda Kelly, Clinical Lead on FGM in Oxford. With the prevalence of FGM estimated to be over 2% in Oxford, this exhibition explores some of the issues surrounding the practice. The exhibition includes winning artwork by young people living in Oxford who participated in an art competition and professional artist, Jeroo Roy. Students from Oxford secondary schools took the lead in a project created by Oxford Against Cutting, setting the criteria for the competition and deciding on the finalists.

The winners’ artwork will be included in a booklet about FGM for Oxford young people with messages written by the young committee for their peers. It is hoped that the project and the artwork will contribute to some important conversations about FGM currently happening in Oxford.

Oxford Against Cutting (OAC) is a new rights-based group working to tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) of girls and women living in Oxford. The project work with students was sponsored by Rosa, Oxford Safer Communities Partnership and the Public Health Directorate Oxfordshire County Council. OAC works in collaboration with Amnesty International Oxford City.

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