Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices
A partnership, Oxford Against Cutting (OAC) and The Sunrise Multicultural Project (Sunrise) worked together on a collaborative project with specialist focus on issues of sexual violence in BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) communities. The partners have created a toolkit for community groups and professionals to help tackle these issues.
The partners have piloted workshops with BAMER women and services to address “internal” barriers which prevent women and girls from seeking support following sexual abuse, as well as workshops for specialist sexual violence workers to address “external” factors, such as learning for services and staff about cultural norms. A short film was created by young people from BAMER communities to highlight key issues around sexual violence in these groups, and leaflets are available to support BAMER women and girls to recognise sexual abuse and highlight support options.
The project supports the provision of early intervention and support, by creating bridges between BAMER communities and services. The project was funded by Thames Valley BAMER Project.
Here are some leaflets on the project for:
The toolkit and project report are available on request. We recommend that the delivering services workshop is delivered in partnership with a sexual abuse service.