Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices

Girls from Year 7 created an art display of rose pictures to help raise awareness about FGM. The initiative was led by Deb Burdett, Specialist Community Public Health Practitioner and School Health Nurse, after working with our team to deliver lessons to year 7 students about FGM.

The artwork was displayed at OAC’s event to raise awareness about the services provided by the Oxford Rose Clinic for survivors of FGM, Rose Awareness and to launch a new film created by young people, Are You Ready to Know.

The artwork included insightful messages from the girls:
Don’t be silent
Speak up
Its your business , my business its everybody’s business
FGM is abuse
Tell someone
Be kind
Stand up
You’re not alone
Be aware
Be proud
Stop it now
Talk about FGM NOW!
FGM is not shame it is abuse
It is not your fault
FGM is violence
Be brave
Lets talk more

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