Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices


School presentation

Year 10 and 11 students took part in an interactive presentation on FGM in November 2016. They learned about the law, harm and prevalence of FGM from our facilitators, including Kaddy Touray, a survivor of FGM, who spoke very powerfully about how the practice affects families and communities.

Rose Awareness

Young champions participated in our event in February 2017 to raise awareness about the services of the Oxford Rose Clinic.

OAC Youth Wing and young trustee

Oxford Against Cutting is proud to be working with students from Headington School who have joined our Youth Wing and offered their time to help with awareness-raising, fundraising and events. The Youth Wing have set up their own Twitter and Instagram accounts: the youth Twitter is @OAC_YouthGroup. Instagram is @OxfordAgainstCutting_YouthWing.

A student from Headington School has also joined our trustee board and represents both young champions and a community affected by FGM.

Breaking the Culture of Silence 14 May 2017

Young champions from Headington School helped with the organisation and workshop at our May event for the Rose Community, a network for FGM survivors and people who care. The team ran a cake stall and took part in a group discussions about the expected behaviour of a “good girl” and a “good boy”.

In the Pink song

Young champions took part in the filming of a song, written by In the Pink, a local group of female student a cappella singers. The song, Together We Stand, calls for solidarity from all communities to help end the practice of FGM. The song attracted local TV interest.

Oxfam One World Fair stall

Our Youth Wing ran a stall at the One World Fair in November 2017, raising awareness and selling Christmas cards and lavender bags.

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